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Year 10 Cope students enjoyed a visit to Peterborough Passport Office as part of their ‘Engaging Schools Project’ to learn more about successful entry into the world of work.

 The Peterborough Passport Office, following on from their successful engaging

Schools project last year with the previous Year 10 Cope group, agreed to

engage our Cope  students again this year. They have devised a six lesson

programme covering topics concerning successful entry into the world of work.

 Matching topics to tasks for Module 8 ( Work Related Learning) in the Cope

Scheme of Work has resulted in Passport Office team providing workshops on

topics such as CV writing, interview techniques, how to apply for a job and

information for a career in the Passport Office or other Civil Service areas.


Within this scheme of work was a proposed visit to the Passport Office. This

was arranged and fifteen Cope students along with Bev Lindsey (I can be lead )

Mrs Helene Cham, Teaching Assistant  and myself accompanied the students to

the Passport Office over Periods  2 and 3 on 15th January. During the visit the

students were given a tour of every department operating on the three floors of

the building..


Initially the students were taken to the Conference Room and through a very

professional power point presentation the role of the Civil Service was

explained and other slides covered equality and diversity, qualities required of

a Civil Servant  and different Government Departments. After the initial

introduction the students were then given the tour around the building.


The students returned to the conference room for the last activity which was a

civil service bingo game where they had to name a Government Department.

the winner received a prize, a box of chocolates .


The trip was a real eye opener for many of the students into the world of work.

They thoroughly enjoyed the visit, behaviour was a credit to the Academy, and

many thanks must be given to the Passport Office team led by Saila and her

team consisting of Joanne, Verity and Neil. We all felt privileged to be invited

to see the Passport Office at work especially considering the confidential nature

of  their work.


Report Author:  Melvyn Slote   Achievement Support and Cope teacher.